Just us

We’re urban policy experts and citizen initiative advocates, specialised in collaborative urban development processes, with experience in developing and implementing methodologies for ecosystem-building, social and solidarity economy initiatives as well as good practice transfer. Our roles in these processes include research, participatory design, communication, policy analysis, knowledge transfer and capacity-building. We’re a group of diverse individuals coming from a variety of backgrounds, based in Rome, Vienna and Budapest…And we’re passionate about our main focus topic: just cities.

Just cities

Eutropian is a non-profit organisation engaging in advocacy, research, policy design and local actions to support inclusive urban processes. We focus on community-driven urban transformation, placemaking and public spaces, collaborative housing, local economy and civic ecosystems, cultural heritage and adaptive reuse, food systems, circular economy, responsible tourism and participatory governance. We develop projects connecting doers on the ground with policymakers, funders and research institutions. We bridge the local with the international, the pragmatic with the theoretical, the bottom-up with the institutional.

Building scenarios on existing resources

We offer a variety of services to municipalities, EU institutions, private entities or civic initiatives. We conduct research and benchmarking, map good practices, build cooperation networks and develop policy recommendations. We design knowledge transfer processes through workshops, training sessions and seminars. We organise webinars, facilitate events and design urban games in order to develop interaction and exchange and generate new ideas. We share good practices and disseminate project results by writing articles, producing audio and video documentaries and publishing books.

Working towards the public interest

Eutropian commits to act as a public interest non-profit organisation in its operations. Eutropian advocates for inclusive and sustainable spatial transformation processes: we empower public administrations and civic initiatives through capacity building, networking and knowledge exchange to implement policies that lead to more just cities. At the organisational level, Eutropian follows a non-profit logic by reinvesting its revenues in salaries and other operational costs and maintaining a horizontal organisational and decision-making structure.

Just news

We engage in and support collaborative urban development processes, advocate policy changes and initiate collaboration projects. Read about Eutropian’s latest project updates, developments and news here:

Just communicate

Multiple formats, one message

We keep the pulse of on-the-ground initiatives and help them gain visibility not only to their peers and community, but also to policymakers and potential partners both locally and internationally, as well as to the broader public. We're experts in communicating to a wide audience via cutting-edge dissemination techniques and communications methods: from webinars and interactive trainings to videos, documentaries and social media networks.​ Eutropian's online magazine Cooperative City Magazine features stories about collaborative urban practices across Europe.

Just stay in touch

We believe our cities are formed by networks of initiatives, and the more these initiatives are involved in forming ecosystems and shape the city together, the more inclusive, just and healthy our cities will become. 

If you’re interested in collaborating with us or would simply like to get in touch… Please contact us! 

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