Agora in Prague

Prague is the capital and largest city in the Czech Republic, the 13th largest city in the European Union and the historical capital of Bohemia. Situated on the Vltava river, Prague is home to about 1.3 million people, while its metropolitan area is estimated to have a population of 2.7 million.

Currently facing a housing crisis and rapidly increasing prices, Prague urgently needs new solutions and sustainable options.

The ExOdkole Factory is the site of the Agora Pilot Project in Prague.

Note: This image slider will serve as a foto collage introducing us ot the area and the project.

Creating Sustainable Living in the heart of prague


MORE INFO on the place, it’s history and past etc.

We can probably use a black and white photo here

Odkolek-an anatomy

Note: This image slider will serve as a foto collage introducing us ot the area and the project.

A few lines here about the history of the site, erving as an introduction etc. etc etc

a paragraph, perhaps afew lines.

The area at a glance (very short videos/shots of the location)

We’ve taken some shots of the area, have a look below to get to know Prague 9 and sorroundings.

The goals of the project

The area needs a change. Or some other quote by this person, whose photo we have on the left and the testimonial/audio file on the right.

John DOe tells us about the goals of the project. Listen to our interview:

The initial goal of the pilot project is to create sustainable livig for the citizens. With this purpos,e the project will do xxx. and thats why yyy… etc etc.

Collcting thealready obtained data and prioritizing actions for better municipal involvement is a secondayry goal. This is because yyyy, xxx and zzz.

The strategy of Prague 9

There are various strategies at play. In the video to the left, xxx from the yyy initiative details the strategy and vision of the site.

He/she especially stresses zzzz and yyy.

This is more so because….


A brief summary of the strategy, writing, writing etc etc…

perhaps a paragraph.

some concetnt would help here.

etc etc.

The problems and challenges facing Prague 9

Various challenges facing the site need to be overcome. What needs to be done is…. Here’s an overvew of the issues facing the project: have a look and click on the image.

Meet the Local Actors

Bana Saadeh

A summary ofthe activities undertaken by Banah and her initiative.

Jorge Mosquera

A summary ofthe activities undertaken by Jorge and his initiative.

Yilmaz Vurucu

A summary ofthe activities undertaken by Jorge and his initiative.

Text here on the activities, the actors, what they’re doing in detail and a paragraph or two on this topic…

etc etc.

Let's talk impact

Photos and text here…

For more information on the AGORA projetc, visit….

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