Patti, D., Polyak, L., 2016, New Life for Markets, in Build the City, How People are changing their Cities, Pub. European Cultural Foundation, June 2016.

Polyak, L., Patti D., 2016, Community Capital in Action, New Financial Models for Resilient Cities, in New Europe #1 p.65-69.

Polyak, L., 2016, The Culture of brownfields: The Creative revitalization of industrial spaces in Central Europe, in Creative Visegrad: City, Culture and Public Space, Pub. Aspen Institute Prague

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2016, “Funding the Cooperative City – Finanziare la Città Cooperativa“, RomaTre University Press

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2016, Il Progetto TUTUR, Cittadinanza Attiva Pubblicazione Disponibile! (in preparation)

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2016, Frameworks for temporary use: Experiments of urban regeneration in Bremen, Rome and Budapest. In: John Henneberry (ed.): Transience and Permanence in Urban Development. London: John Wiley & Sons (in preparation)

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2016, Building informal infrastructures: Architects in support of bottom-up community services and social solidarity in Budapest. In: Katherine Melcher, Barry Stiefel and Kristin Faurest (eds.): Community-Built: Art, Construction, Preservation and Place. New York: Routledge (in preparation)

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2016, From Design to Mediation and Development: Emerging Urban Practices and Social Services in European Cities. In: Michael Ziehl, Till Haupt and Carsten Rabe (eds.): Cities, Culture and Sustainability. Berlin: Jovis (in preparation)

Patti, D., Baioni, M., Polyak, L., 2016, Luoghi Urbani in Comune on comune-info.net on 03.05.2016

Patti, D., Baioni, M., Polyak, L., 2016, Sperimentare Città Collaborative on comune-info.net on 25.04.2016

Patti, D., Polyak, L., Torresan, M., 2016, La seconda vita dei mercati rionali on comune-info.net on 08.04.2016

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2016, Informal infrastructures: Bottom-up community services and social solidarity in Rome. In: Sebastian Schipper and Barbara Schönig (eds.) Urban Austerity: Impacts of the global financial crisis on cities in Europe. Berlin: Theater der Zeit

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2016, Accommodating Innovation: Spaces for Community Use. In: New Amsterdam #8


Patti, D., Polyak, L., 2015, The governance of peri-urban multi-functional landscapes: the Rome case, IX INU Conference proceedings, Eds. Moccia F., Sepe, M., INU Edizioni

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2015, Accommodating innovation: temporary use and the access to vacant urban properties in Europe In: http://urbact.eu

Elisei, P., Caputo, R., Patti, D., Polyak, L., 2015, TUTUR Final Report, Urbact publications

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2015, “From practice to policy: frameworks for temporary use”, Planning Research and Practice, vol.8, issue 1/2015

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2015, Frameworks for temporary use: The case of Rome and Budapest. In:Transience and Permanence in Urban Development. International Research Workshop, The University of Sheffield : 14th – 15th January 2015

Polyak, L., Patti, D., 2015, “…civic participation brings with it alternative catalysts, energies and resources into the design and maintenance of urban public spaces.”. In: http://www.eukn.eu


Polyak, L., Patti, D.: “Recycling The Neighbourhood”, Urban Design Journal, issue 130, spring 2014.


Patti, D., L., Polyak: “Activate&Involve”, Exhibition Publication for Wonderlab in Architektur Zentrum Wien, August 2013 in Vienna.

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