Eutropian presents initial results on the UIA good practices in a public event

On the 7th of April, Eutropian together with AEIDL moderated a public event in the framework of the study – Capitalisation activity on good practises for Integrated approach in Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) projects. The event was title: Designing better innovative projects – what can we learn from the Integrated approach in Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) projects. 

Sharing the learnings of our study on good practices for integrated territorial development with cities from Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and Urbact. Our study will be published in September in order to support the UIA and cities across Europe to be able to develop local projects that can address a place-based approach, multi-level governance with a participatory manner and a capitalisation and evaluation of the activities carried out. Meanwhile it’s important for us to share our ongoing learnings with the UIA community. Stay tuned!

Here you can find out more about the study. 

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