Brief introduction

Peja has seen many initiatives and development plans. So far, none of the projects did provide decision-makers with relevant and elaborated documents. Threfore, “LET’S DO IT – IDEAS FOR THE TOURISM MOBILITY PLAN” by transferring know-how from other European cities wants to provide ideas for a Tourism Mobility Plan focus on walking and cycling for ALL.

Experts and researchers together with public authorities and local stakeholders in Peja held a series of four online workshops to provide municipal decision­makers with some ideas for the Tourism Mobility Plan, that will help to plan in accordance with the needs of inhabitants and tourists.

Economic and social development

According to UN information cycling  can play a significant role as a mode of transport and healthy everyday activity, while achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Most importantly, the The World Cycling Alliance has calculated that cycling is directly linked to delivering 11 of the SDG goals.

SDG 1 – No Poverty

It is an affordable and simple mode of transport enabling access to education, jobs, markets, and community activities in both urban and rural areas.

SDG 2 – Zero Hunger

Cycling allows for better access to food markets and communities.

SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being

It generates beneficial health effects due to decreased air pollution emissions, decreased greenhouse gas emissions and increased levels of physical activity. 

SDG 5 – Gender Equality

It improves access for women and girls to water, schools, markets and jobs that may otherwise be inaccessible through available transport means. 

SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

As an energy efficient form of transport, it uses renewable human power in the most efficient way, and e-cycling offers access to the use of efficient e-mobility technology. 

SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

The cycling sector creates more jobs for the same turnover than any other transport sector.

SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Increased numbers of cyclists make it easier for governments to build resilient infrastructure and sustainable transport systems for economic development and human well-being. 

SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

Cycling is an efficient way of using expensive and scarce space in urban areas, making settlements more inclusive, safe, and sustainable, as a healthy, clean and cheap mode of transport.

SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

The transportation of people and goods by bicycle matches perfectly with the diversity and scale of regional and local economies.

SDG 13 – Climate Action

Environmentally, it is a symbol for decarbonizing transport and societies; it offers the possibility for immediate climate action. Governments at all levels can take action by integrating cycling into their climate action policies, strategies, eduation and awareness-raising. 

SDG 17 – Partnership for the Goals

Finally, the participation of all actors involved in the cycling movement supports the global partnership for sustainable development.

Innovative aspect

Cycling is very affordable. Since even children can learn cycling, it’s has the possibility to be employed by very wide range of citizens. The space needs are low. The technology needs are very simple. This mobility solution can enable access to education, jobs, markets, and community activities. It can increase accessibility and connection in both urban and rural areas.

Giving space to bicycle or pedestrian is always an innovative action because it changes in a better way the actual auto-centered paradigm, that is governing and ruins our cities. In addition, Peja tourism is on backpacks and cycling tourists. The Project’s aim is to put in evidence the needs of the pedestrians and the bikers in Peja. From this project will, also, benefit small business, start up, local NGOs and free-lancer who will further develop their ideas.

Final output

The final output is a small publication containing an analysis of the current situation in Peja, which identified the internal, external factors of cycling, as well as, opportunities and threats.

The final publication was developed from a series of workshops where ideas and best practices were presented. The idea was to inspire residents and tourist at the same time, with quick adoptable strategies. They can have a walkable and bike able city. Moving can be much easier. Reaching the natural and cultural heritage sites, which are an important feature and identity for Peja, can be much more sustainable.

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