Disseminating AGORA results
@ 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress.

 From the 3rd to the 6th of October, city and regional planners from around the world met in Brussels for the 58th ISOCARP World Planning CongressWith its title, “FROM WEALTHY TO HEALTHY CITIES”, the congress invited participants to reflect on the possible ways to build a future focused on solidarity an wellbeing. The  Brussels Capital Region was a suitable location for the event thanks to its ‘Shifting Economy’ strategy.

 Eutropian’s Jorge Mosquera joined the event to disseminate research findings and a case study from the AGORA project (our project focusing on Well-governed Danube region) with international partners.



congress participants at Maison de la Poste, Brussels (C) ISOCARP

AGORA’s case study from the Neckar-Alb Regional Association was presented by Nathalie Millan: The implementation of a Test Planning process with the aim of developing different ideal planning scenarios for the construction of the first inter-municipal CO₂ reduced business and industrial park in the Neckar-Alb region.


During the Parallel session 7 – Social Cohesion and Understanding Inequalities the presentations from:


  • Urbasofia‘s Andrada Lupulescu on “Bottlenecks and drivers of Urban Regeneration in the Danube Region”
  • and UIRS‘s Barbara Music Innovative approaches in governance management in the time of COVID-19: Learnings from the Danube Region and other European cities”

shared learnings and findingd of the implementation of the AGORA project. Jorge Mosquera co-authored research papers on Test Planning and COVID-19 Learnings

Looking forward to also share the conference procedings where the three research papers
of the AGORA project will also be included.

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