As the Generative Commons Living Lab project is nearing completion, a final set of toolkits will soon be launched.

We were thus, delighted to host  a workshop and meeting in Vienna as communication work package leader and project partner.

Partners  from across Europe attended in person or joined online in this hybrid event, serving as a day-long exchange and brainstorming session.

Workshop in Vienna

The hybrid event in Vienna thus served as a workshop and exchange. Lively discussions were held on how to create the online representation of the new toolkits and structure the webpage to encapsulate previously released tools and resources as well.

The Generative Commons project has already made important resources such as the Digital Toolbox, The Generative Commons Map as well as the database available for public use.

The new Toolkits, consisting of the Temporary Use, Participation and Governance Toolkit will soon be released for use by commons initiatives.

We capped the day with an evening tour of VinziRast

Following a busy day, the partners enjoyed a tour of Vinzirast-mittendrin, a unique co-housing and support project/community uniting students and the homeless under one roof.

The evening ended with a dinner at the Vinzirast-lokal, the local restaurant operated by the community at Vinzirast.

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