Restoration Toolbox

What an exciting experiences to have finally visited in person the work we have been developing together over the past year with the #restorationtoolbox in India!
The Restoration Toolbox is an open-source participatory platform empowering citizens to restore their heritage buildings.

Our colleague Daniela Patti joined the conference and events organised by  Jindal School Of Art & Architecture University in Delhi, such an enriching experience!

A few years ago, as part of the Open Heritage project that was looking into governance and financial models for community-led heritage regeneration, we developed a number of online trainings together with our partner Platoniq and Aishwarya Tipnis from Jugaadopolis took part and enlightened us about how heritage rehabilitation was bring carried out in India.

After an exciting project financed by Culture In Action we are proud to share a number of amazing tools on how craftmanship and new technologies can be shared with communities to preserve and improve our heritage.

It was a great pleasure to celebrate the #restorationtoolbox final conference with Austrian Embassador Katharina Wieser and Aishwarya Tipnis at the Austrian Embassy New Delhi. This is just a step towards fruitful future collaboration between Europe and India on how to engage and empower communities in protecting and improving heritage

During her speech speech at the conference Daniela highlighted the importance of citizens’ participation and deliberative democracy to improve the political impact on society of our actions. In fact, by playing the Eutropian role play game and by sharing experiences from EUARENAS project, we simulated a citizens’ assembly on how to rehabilitate a historical neighbourhood. Participation creates so much positive and constructive energy!

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