Final meeting for HOUSE-IN project in Leipzig

Eutropian traveled to Leipzig in November 2022 to attend the final meeting of the HOUSE-IN project.

The meeting hosted HOUSE-IN partners from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, Lund municipality, Riga municipality, University of Latvia, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Eutropian.

We discussed past events of the HOUSE-IN project, what the outcomes of the project are, and what activities we hope to resume with, in the future. In addition to the planned project meetings, excursions to various locations and different parts of Leipzig were also organized.

The JPI funded project “The Housing-Integration-Nexus:  shaping exchange and innovation for migrants’ access to housing and social inclusion”, short HOUSE-IN, researches how inclusive housing strategies in urban neighborhoods can help with integration of national & international migrants.

Impactful excursions

On the first day, we visited the two offices of the International Women Leipzig, which operate in the eastern parts of Leipzig. The NGO offers counseling and services to those with migrant backgrounds, such as helping with language barriers in signing documents, and accompanying them to different services. In addition, the NGO organizes social activities and networking opportunities for migrants.

On the second day, we visited the Welcome Centre of Leipzig, an entity of the City of Leipzig, which assists migrants with initial administrative tasks when arriving in Leipzig from abroad. To wrap up the second day, we visited a co-housing project located in the new-built Lindenau Hafen neighbourhood, and learned about the history of co-housing projects in Leipzig.

On the third day, we visited Kontaktstelle Wohnen, an NGO in Leipzig, which assists mainly refugees as well as other migrants in finding housing in the city. Kontaktstelle Wohnen supports migrants with contacting renters, accompanying migrants in visiting the housing sites, and understanding the housing contracts. 


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HOUSE-IN is a 18 month research programme, which started in June 2021 and was funded by JPI Urban Europe.

The project partners are Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, University of Latvia, Lund University, Malmö University, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Eutropian GmbH.

For more information on the project, don’t be shy, reach out to project leader Bahanur Nasya.

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