Open Heritage Training on Adaptive Reuse

Co-developed by Eutropian, Open Heritage Training progresses at full steam!

Developed and carried out by Eutropian and Platoniq, the Open Heritage training program is aimed at professionals (e.g. city officials, experts and stakeholders working within the EU, or partners from other EU projects working on cultural heritage) involved in issues related to heritage protection and adaptive reuse.

Developed as part of the Open Heritage project funded through the Horizon 2020 grant scheme of the EU the OH Training builds on on the expansive knowledge base of the project, generated since its launch in 2018, mostly capitalising on the 16 Observatory Case studies that Eutropian had previously worked on as part of the project.

The Observatory Cases look at how various (e.g. financial, governance, territorial) aspects of cultural heritage reuse come together to form successful initiatives in various European local contexts.

Two more sessions on the horizon

So far, three of the five training modules have been completed by (mostly) the same participants. These modules were looking at (1) the Heritage, (2) Governance and (3) Financial aspects of adoptive heritage reuse. The two further modules remaining will look at the (4) Territorial Impacts of heritage reuse and the final module will (5) Integrate the above presented aspects into one comprehensive model

Because the modules are built to compliment each other and participants were asked to enroll for the entire program, those who had initially joined the OH Training have a unique opportunity to delve deep into the topic. The consecutive modules integrate different aspects of heritage reuse, by touching upon both theoretical and applied considerations, providing a very practical knowledge base for urban practitioners and/or researchers. 

Learn more on the sessions and register for upcoming workshops today!

To learn more about the Open Heritage project, please visit the project website.

To learn more about the Open Heritage Training, please visit the official training website.

Although the deadline to apply to the OH Training has passed, it is still possible to enroll to the upcoming sessions by sending and email to our colleague: Lukács Hayes (

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