The PlaceCity Symposium 2020 stretched over 3 days and the videos are online now.

Hosted by Bahanur Nasya/Eutropian, the first two days of the online symposium explored the potential of placemaking as a tool for urban regeneration, and was streamed live on the facebook page of cooperative city – the magazine. The third day was reserved for an exploratory walk through urban Vienna, guided by Roland Krebs/Superwien.

Day 1 : COVID-19 and the Placemaking response

Among the particularly significant themes explored were how to extend public spaces during times of need such as the COVID-19 crisis, how to ensure more accessible and enjoyable urban settings and how to utilize placemaking as a tool for urban regeneration.

Day 1 of the symposium reflected on how different cities, including Vienna, Oslo, Madrid, Barcelona and Buenos Aires, responded to Covid-19. The panel explored the possibilities and limitations that needed to be addressed through the experiences of different local contexts, to achieve a shift and ensure placemaking is utilized as a collaboration tool.

Day 2: Placemaking as a tool for urban regeneration

Day 2 showcased and contextualized local placemaking tools, including PlaceCity Oslo and Vienna in comparison to other cities. Local placemakers and developer could share their experience and how much influence the urban background influences the process, as well as the outcome, of the intervention. The new publication of the PlaceCity project “placemaking in context” framed the differences in work, agenda and mehtods in both projected cities Oslo & Vienna.

Day 3: An exploratory walk through Leopolstadt

Day 3 took place in the  PlaceCity Vienna where pop-up interventions improved the city for most citizens commuting by bike or foot. Local guides (administration, local planner and NGO’s) contextualized and discussed with the visitors the ongoing debate around the developments and pop-up interventions on site.

You can view all parts of the symposium now online and read more about panelists and collaborators on the PlaceCity website!

For further information get in touch with the project manager our Bahanur Nasya.

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