Final episode of Cooperative City in Quarantine to air.

live stream on Facebook @Cooperative City

Cooperative City in Quarantine Finale: Planning the “new” cooperative city or what can be referred to as the post-quarantine, post-Covid19 city.

Date and Time: 19.06.2020 at 5PM CET
  • List of speakers:
  • Jan Olbrycht, EU Parliament, Head of Urban Intergroup (TBC)
  • Schieder Andreas, Vice President, Urban Intergroup of the EU parliament  (TBC)
  • Marek Teplansky, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission  (TBC)
  • Andor Urmos, DDG.03 Competence Centre – Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development, DG REGIO  (TBC)
  • Raffaele Barbato, Project Coordinator, UIA   (TBC)
  • Nuala Morgan, Head of Unit – Capitalisation and Communication, URBACT (TBC)
  • Annalisa Boni, Secretary General, Eurocities  (TBC)
  • Mart Grisel, Director, European Knowledge Network
  • Nicolas Stuehlinger, Senior Advisor, Innovation in Politics

What a challenging, ominous and arduous 2020 so far. As COVID-19 spread out to pandemic proportions and impacted our lives, we found ourselves placed under quarantine or limited social activity. Given the circumstances, we felt the last thing the world needed was more doom and gloom.

Making use of the tools at our disposal (our computers and cameras), we reached out to our wonderful local and international community and launched a weekly live conversation series where we discussed -with experts of course- the most pressing issues our cities face, and explored unique solutions to overcoming the challenges set forth by this crisis. Most importantly, our goal was to highlight the positive work being done by civil societies and organizations despite the limitations.

The series has been a success, obtaining viewership in the tens of thousands. Have a look at the links below for more information on the various broadcasts and their accompanying themes.

Episode #9: refugees during quarantine

Episode #10: mobility during quarantine

Episode #11: public life during quarantine

Episode #12: community spaces during quarantine

Episode #13: social inclusion during quarantine

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the speakers and contributors for their participation, and the team of Cooperative City for making these episodes posisble. The weekly episodes brought us joy and hope during a time of crisis, and the experience will contribute towards shaping our work in the future.

live stream on Facebook @Cooperative City

Cooperative City will continue with live webinars. Feel free to drop us a line, if you would like to work on this with us.