Join us next week for the Second OpenHeritage Dialogue

If you have experience in the field of heritage regeneration, join us to actively contribute to the dialogue and the group discussion by registering for the event by 10 November. Otherwise you can follow the plenary discussion streamed at the and Facebook pages.

Thursday, 12 November, 13.30-17.00

 13.30 Welcome (Jasmin Miah)

13.40 EU and local partnerships (Ugo Guarnacci)

13.50 Heritage and partnerships (Hanna Szemző)

14.00 The Observatory Case method (Levente Polyak)

14.10 Building partnerships between NGOs and local governments – roundtable discussion

  • Denisa Chylova (Stara Trznica)   
  • Bozhena Zakaliuzhna (Jam Factory)
  • Petra Marcinko (Lazareti Platform, Dubrovnik)
  • Olivier Schulbaum / Nadia Ha (Platoniq)

14.45 Q&A: Scaling up and transferring experiences

15.00 Break


15.15-16.00 Breakout sessions with speakers 

16.00-16.40 Closing session

The adaptive reuse of historical buildings represents an opportunity and, at the same time, also a challenge, especially when we talk about community-led reuse processes. When various stakeholders are involved, such as NGOs, local communities, different public bodies, private investors, and heritage professionals, it is not that easy to reach consensus or even regulate the decision-making process. At the same time, community-led reuse of heritage spaces can potentially bring many benefits to cities. These spaces can become central places of community organization and cultural exchange, crucial when working towards social cohesion and integration, enriching the welfare services provided by public authorities.
So how can municipalities work together with civic initiatives in supporting the community-led reuse of heritage spaces? How can built heritage be an asset for the cities, and how can public-private-people partnerships benefit heritage? What is the potential of historical buildings to be more than just monuments to preserve? The discussion of the second OpenHeritage Dialogue will explore these questions in various policy environments across Europe, in small towns as well as in big cities, focusing on good practices of establishing partnerships, and strategies to overcome challenges.
Do you have any questions about the OH Dialogues?

Open Heritage Dialogue #2 / Cooperative City in Dialogue

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