Eutropian presented a paper on temporary uses in Rome and Budapest within the “Transience and Permanence in Urban Development” workshop which was held in Sheffield in November 2014.
The case of Rome and Budapest by Levente Polyak and Daniela Patti
Post-industrial cities have experienced a dramatic growth in vacant/derelict land and buildings, raising questions about how such sites may be used temporarily for social, economic or environmental benefit, and about how these transient uses may affect the long-run trajectory of urban development. A burgeoning literature on temporary uses has evolved. However, this field is in need of consolidation and development. This was addressed by the workshop, which was funded by the Interreg North Sea Region IVB Programme through the SEEDS project and by the University of Sheffield’s Urban Institute, and was held at the University of Sheffield on 14-15 January, 2015. The aim was to provide an opportunity for critical reflection on transience and permanence from a range of perspectives, in order to prompt new thinking about vacancy, dereliction and temporary uses.
A number of key themes emerged in the workshop, which are documented in the individual papers and discussion summaries available to download. These themes include value and valorisation (Crosby & Henneberry, Colomb, Kamvasinou, Lehtovuori & Ruoppila), law and policy (Adams, Bennett & Dickinson, Muldoon-Smith & Greenhalgh, Honeck) the values and roles of actors (Ferreri & Lang, Gebhardt, Colomb, Foo, Lombard, Livingstone & Matthews) innovation and creativity (Brinks & Schmidt), considerations of time and temporality (Livingstone & Matthews, Lombard, Colomb, Bennett & Dickinson, Tanulku), and knowledge transfer (Honeck, Patti & Polyak).
For a full discussion of these themes please download the Overview document. Click through to the individual author pages for paper abstracts, full-papers and discussion summaries.