A challenge addressed to the Interactive Cities partners for the best Use Case Story has been launched. The best ones will become a promotional video of Interactive Cities and published in September.
The stories are to be sent by Friday 1st July. The goal is to describe in one page how the target group would benefit by the work in Interactive Cities.
Here’s an example of Use Case Story; this one is geared on Tourism, but it can be easily translated to Business, Promotion or Urban Development.
Challenge for Interactive Cities Partners
The Greek City of Eudossia has joined the Interactive Cities network because it would like to improve its capacity to attract young talents in visiting the city, for short tourism visits or even longer work related stays.
Amina is a young British tourist visiting for the first time Eudossia for a long weekend with a friend. She books a nice small apartment in the centre of the city on Airbnb and the flat owner suggests she checks out the Facebook page of Eudossia as she will find a lot of interesting information on what’s on in the city that weekend in terms of concerts, exhibitions and guided tours.
When Amina and her friend Asha arrive in Eudossia’s airport they login into the airport’s free wi-fi and a pop-up window informs them that the Eudossia Instagram account is running a competition on the best picture of the city that weekend and that they can connect to the free city-wide public wifi.
Amina and Asha go to a concert, that they found about on the Facebook page, and take a fantastic picture of the main square of the city full of people having a great time, so they post it on the Instagram account and enjoy their evening.
The second day they discovered they had won the competition! This means they won a coffee in one of the old cafès of the city, which is part of the local partners of the Eudossia. Well, together with the coffee they also decide to buy some chocolate cakes.
In the cafe, they ask the waitress Carmen where they can find some nice shops to buy presents to bring back home. Carmen tells them that they can find the map of the local traditional shops always on the Eudossia facebook page so they find a few very nice shops where to buy some clothes, books and accessories for their friends and families.
In the leather bags shop they meet Hugus, the old craftsman, that says that he will give them a discount if they post pictures of the bags they buy on the Eudossia Facebook page as this will help him advertise his products!
Their holiday is over, they had a great time and go back recommending to everyone to visit Eudossia on their next holidays. In fact, as the Eudossia page was so useful, they post a very happy goodbye message and mention the page also in their Airbnb Flat evaluation. “Eudossia is the best place to be, come and see for yourself!”
Submitted by fvirgilio on 17 June 2016
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