Com.Unity.Lab URBACT Transfer Network starts!

Daniela Patti is supporting the city of Lisbon to share their Bip/Zip strategy to tackle urban poverty to other cities!

The Lisbon (PT) Local Development Strategy for Priority Intervention areas provides the city with a range of integrated toolbox based on a co-governance process. It organises and brings together a bottom-up participatory perspective that ensures a horizontal and collaborative local approach, to decrease and mitigate social, economic, environmental and urban exclusion and enhance social territorial cohesion. The tools used vary from neighbourhood mapping, a Local Partnerships Program funding local projects to a bottom-up co-governance model to promote employment, education and social-territorial cohesion. The results were visible at municipality and community levels. Only through the Program, 668 applications were submitted between 2011 and 2016, gathering 532 local stakeholders and partners, generating a total of 1 466 activities in the deprived areas. The toolkit helped Lisbon establish its own path, roadmap and goals, and set the civic participation and co-governance as a benchmark to ignite a sustainable Urban Local Development.

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