Final Event marks conclusion of project

The Generative Commons Living Lab was an H2020 funded project creating tools and resources assisting commons initiatives in developing their projects.

As project partner, Eutropian supported the project in creating the unique tools and resources produced to aid commons initiatives.

The resources

The following tools and resources were successfulyl developed by the project:

-The gE.CO Toolkits: researched based tools providing initiatives with the resources necessary to launch and maintain longevity.

-The gE.CO Toolbox:  a collection of online  software services that allow communities to take advantage of free to use technologies.

-The gE.CO Map and database: The map serves as an online resource displaying initiatives throughout Europe while the database provides much needed information and a detailed account of initiatives from across the continent.

-The gE.CO museum:  an online resource that collects, connects and describes, through three thematic itineraries, the spread of generative commons throughout Europe.

You can take a look at these unique tools and resources via the Generative Commons webpage.

Hosted by Eutropian’s Daniela Patti and Yilmaz Vurucu, the Final Event took place online, Friday January 28, 2022.

The conference served as a platform to reveal the tools and resources developed by the gE.CO project.

We’re happy to have been a part of this project, and proud of the resources and tools we’ve jointly created and supported.

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